Waist Hip Somatotype and Classification for Young Chinese Women - 24.32


Waist Hip Somatotype and Classification for Young Chinese Women


Linghua RAN, Xin ZHANG, Huimin HU, Chaoyi ZHAO, He ZHAO

AQSIQ Key Laboratory of Human Factors and Ergonomics, CNIS, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing, China



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classifications, waist and hip body types, young Chinese


To analyze the influencing factors of the fit of pants structure design, the waist and hip body shape characteristics and categories of specific populations were studied. 2000 young Chinese women aged 18-26 were selected as the research subjects, and 18 waist and hip characteristic variables were obtained. Using principal component factor analysis, four morphological factors affecting the waist and hip body shape characteristics were obtained: circumference factor, height factor, ratio factor, and girth difference factor. Based on morphological factors, four variables were selected: waist circumference, waist to hip height, Waist transverse diameter, and D-value between hip circumference and waist circumference. A two-step clustering method was used to classify waist and hip body types, dividing young women into four categories. The first type is short round body, the second type is high flat body, the third type is short flat body, and the fourth type is high round body. The proportions of each type of body in the experimental sample are 11.3%, 23.3%, 35.2%, and 30.3%, respectively.

How to Cite (MLA):

Ran, Linghua et al., "Waist Hip Somatotype and Classification for Young Chinese Women", 3DBODY.TECH Journal, vol. 1, Oct. 2024, #32, https://doi.org/10.15221/24.32.


Video availble in 3DBODY.TECH 2024 Proceedings - 24.32


Volume/Issue: 3DBODY.TECH Journal - Vol. 1, 2024
Paper: #32
Published: 2024/10/30
Presented at: 3DBODY.TECH 2024, 22-23 Oct. 2024, Lugano, Switzerland
Proceedings: 3DBODY.TECH 2024 Proceedings

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