3DBODY.TECH Journal Volumes:
Search within the 3DBODY.TECH Journal website, including the contents of the volumes, the abstracts and pdf files of all papers (powered by Google, with ads).
3DBODY.TECH Proceedings:
Search within the 3DBODY.TECH Proceedings website and the contents of all proceedings, all abstracts' texts and all PDF files of all papers and/or abstracts, starting from year 2010.
Total count: 953 paper/abstract/presentation pages, 766 papers/abstracts as PDF files, 378 presentation videos/recordings (from 2020).
Direct search by year and paper/presentation's number is available at: all papers proceedings.
Note: quotation marks (as "volumetric capture") returns exact phrase matches.
Note: click the + on the top left of the page to open/close the menu.