3DBODY.TECH Journal - International Journal of 3D Body Technologies
ISSN: 3042-576X | DOI: 10.15221/3DBTJ | Open Access | Published: Annually | Current Volume: 1
3DBODY.TECH Journal is an international peer reviewed, pure open access journal.
It has the mission to offer a forum for technical and scientific exchange in the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary area of 3D/4D human body scanning, data and processing technologies.
The technical/scientific papers published in this journal have been submitted, reviewed and presented at the series of 3DBODY.TECH Conferences and Expos on 3D/4D Body Scanning, Data and Processing Technologies, as well included in the 3DBODY.TECH Proceedings.
The different sections of this webpage include:
- information about the journal
- list of volumes/issues of the journal
- volumes/issues with access to the publications
- alphabetical list of all authors, with access to their publications.
Current volume:
3DBODY.TECH Journal - Volume 1, Oct. 2024.
3DBODY.TECH Conference & Expo
3DBODY.TECH - The Premier Multidisciplinary International Conference and Expo on 3D/4D Human Body Scanning, Data and Processing Technologies.
3DBODY.TECH Conference & Expo provides a platform of eminent professionals, entrepreneurs, academicians and researchers across the globe to present, learn and discuss the latest in 3D/4D human body scanning, data and processing technologies. The multidisciplinary character of 3DBODY.TECH makes it unique and not comparable to any other meeting related to 3D body technologies.
Next event: 3DBODY.TECH 2025, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 Oct. 2025
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